Why we need to care about wearable tech


This morning I published a new article on Medium: Brands and Advertisers need to care about wearable tech. Whether you’re new to wearable tech or this is the first time hearing about the category, I’d love to hear your thoughts and carry on the discussion.

First Post

I love advertising. The fast pace.  The creative people. The reward of seeing your work drive results.  My favourite thing about what I do, though, is that it’s always changing.

I current work in Brand & Marketing Communications for a Canadian telco where I manage the communications strategies for emerging business, cause marketing, and campaign analytics portfolios. My full work bio is here.

I’m also passionate about working with small non-profits to make more effective communication strategies.

If you’ve found this blog and would like to connect, please get in touch at andrew.rusk@gmail.com.

Thanks for reading.